Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Aloha Oahu,

Leaving Oahu gets a little bit easier every time, and I suppose the reason for this is that I keep coming back.  You can't fight the vortex of Pacific Paradise and really, why would you?  In this week of lasts, everything around me is sensory enhanced.  The windward breeze is humming a major key instead of its ominous, diminished seven chords.  The fine Kailua sand has embedded itself further up my orifices, making it harder and harder to remove in the shower.  There are more rainbows this week and certainly better food coming out of my favorite eateries.  The days are getting longer, extending sunset sessions and tailgate beers.  And of course, the whales are breeching higher and the waves are breaking cleaner.  It's only the islands way of saying stay, and what an honor it is to be chosen, instead of a mythical ousting by the gods, as many people experience within their first year, or even seventh year, of life on this 'aina.  Oahu and I are tight.  I'm going to miss her, but we've made the same pact for years.  I'm gifting my waves to someone else and she's promised to give them back when I return.  One more firm, genuine handshake.  So, goodbye mi isla favorita.  I will see you in my dreams.  But for now, I'm trading one paradise for another.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Aloha Abroad" and our departure date, April 7th

I will always attribute my meeting Ian, to Siobhan Budge.  In some of our wildest young adult adventures, my sister and I spent a handful of summers cruising the one lane road from the lower 48 states to Alaska and back.  The Alcan produced some of our finest memories together and was the catalyst for our adventures abroad.  Years of gazing at Alaskan and Canadian road maps indefinitely averted my eyes downward, to where the road extends through Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, through the Darrian Gap, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and all the way to the tip of the world where it ends, in Ushuaia, Argentina.  Sarah and I have always wanted to drive the Pan-American Highway and one afternoon, two years back, I was having a conversation with Siobhan who, ironically is from our favorite town in Alaska.  I was telling her about our dream of driving the Pan-American when she mentioned a friend of hers who had driven the Central American portion.  His name, Ian.  "You should meet him," she declared.  I'm not sure what the extent of my pursuing him actually was but, here we are today, about to embark on a crazy adventure together.  I love how the future played out.  I so feel, like this was meant to be.  That we were meant to be doing this together, and that I've waited my whole life to meet him.  I couldn't be in a better spot, personally, emotionally and spiritually.  I am inspired by Ian's courage,  his ability to break free from the norm, and his undying love and devotion to righteousness.  I am truly blessed.

We leave April 7th ... and we are, STOKED.  We're celebrating our going away at the Row Bar on Monday, April 5th and are promoting the creation of "Aloha Abroad," which came to be on a lazy Kailua afternoon.  Ian coined the organization which I am currently dubbing, a reality.  The message is simple - perpetuating the spirit of aloha, abroad.  The organization's first motion will occur at our going away party where we ask that everyone bring a new or gently used item of surf apparel for the groms of our new Central American neighborhood.  Help spread the aloha.  Stoke out the kids of Rivas!

And for some reason, I felt it necessary to post this quote that Ian muttered on our drive home from work last night.  

"A real man has nothing to do with how much money he makes.  It has to do with how high he can jump off a cliff into water.  That's a real man." - Ian Nelson

And my man, he is.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Nicaragua Surf Vids ... Our Future Home Breaks!

Here's a decent vid of Playa Colorado .... the main attraction of our new neighborhood.

And here's a pretty crazy video of the Hobgood brothers at outer reef Popoyo.  As you can see, Nicaragua definitely get size.

And here's where Melly is going to surf.  Not many vids of this spot on youtube.  Panga Drops will be my Lani's.  Here it is with one guy out!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Video Update #3

Today is a good day.  Video update #3 from Rich .... check it out!

This is another cool vid from above the lot.... and a view of the beach and pool nearby!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Windward Side: God's Country.

The way of the world has worn on me a little this month.  In an elusive, but not so elusive, statement, work has been ridiculous.  I've failed to write over the past four weeks for one reason, and one reason only.  You can't trust anyone.  The story is certainly not worth telling for there is too much at stake and in due time, we will all move on.  What I do know is that my boyfriend is the most amazing man on the planet and through all the BS, I have one thing that no one can take away from me.  True love.  And that makes even the worst of situations, completely bearable.

Not to mention, Kailua has been simply, perfect.  I love the warmth of family during the ensuing months of travel.  It gives you stability, strength and a sense of calm before venturing into the unknown.  Kathy and Jon are amazing.  They have been tremendously helpful as Ian and I have been putting in extra hours at work, which ultimately leads to extra hours in bed.  They've made my pup and I feel so welcome and I'm truly gracious to be part of such a loving family.  The dogs have formed what I am dubbing, The Band of Merry Twits and spend their afternoons romping around the yard, stashing shoes under the house, and creating an obscene amount of caca.  Poor Ruby.  What will she do when Lea and Puna head off on adventure????  If only she could come.

Sorting out details.  That's been our agenda.  And there are a few.  How wonderful it is, to see it all come together.  

On the Hawaii surf front, MASSIVE MASSIVE MASSIVE.  I'm wondering if Lani's will ever be three feet again.  I got a new rip stick yesterday and can't wait to give her a go but I need the ocean to calm the *!@& down.  Tsunami Saturday was the capper!  Ian keeps showing me pictures of head-high, perfect waves in Nicaragua and I long to be there.  Soon, baby.  Soon.  

We've established a little rental property in Gigante for when we arrive.  The casita is well under way but won't be finished when we get there.  Here is vid #2 that was posted about two weeks ago .... 

More to come!  Thanks for following everyone.