Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Aloha Oahu,

Leaving Oahu gets a little bit easier every time, and I suppose the reason for this is that I keep coming back.  You can't fight the vortex of Pacific Paradise and really, why would you?  In this week of lasts, everything around me is sensory enhanced.  The windward breeze is humming a major key instead of its ominous, diminished seven chords.  The fine Kailua sand has embedded itself further up my orifices, making it harder and harder to remove in the shower.  There are more rainbows this week and certainly better food coming out of my favorite eateries.  The days are getting longer, extending sunset sessions and tailgate beers.  And of course, the whales are breeching higher and the waves are breaking cleaner.  It's only the islands way of saying stay, and what an honor it is to be chosen, instead of a mythical ousting by the gods, as many people experience within their first year, or even seventh year, of life on this 'aina.  Oahu and I are tight.  I'm going to miss her, but we've made the same pact for years.  I'm gifting my waves to someone else and she's promised to give them back when I return.  One more firm, genuine handshake.  So, goodbye mi isla favorita.  I will see you in my dreams.  But for now, I'm trading one paradise for another.

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