Saturday, August 25, 2012

Back to Life

Back to life, back to reality - I have that 80's jam stuck in my head after watching Ian head-off to his new job at the Disney Resort during the wee hours of the morn today.  After a lengthy, corporate training period, he is dialed-in and bringing home the bacon for his family.  I'm trying my best to pull-off a new Etsy business from home while taking care of Liv which has proven to be difficult but, almost possible.  If you're in the market for some cute baby-shower gifts, visit Surfing Baby on  Liv is fully on the move now which incidentally, is a total game-changer.  Not only has she been doing the full-roll for weeks, she can, what I like to call, 'inch-worm' her way across the bed. The days of an immobile, sleeping baby lump are over.  This morning I woke up to her screaming, only to find her foot wedged in a crib bar, and poop smeared all over her sheets.  Awesome.  Seriously though, it really is awesome but, whoever said that raising a child isn't easy sure as hell wasn't lying!

That's pretty much it for now.  For some reason, this morning's poop incident inspired me to check in.

And of course, I wouldn't sign off without a couple of photos for my people....

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, the red hat picture is priceless! I remember walking into Charlie's room and he had pulled his diaper off and there was poop on the crib rails, the wall, the floor, under his freaking was a nightmare, but we laugh hard about it today. He hasn't slept without shorts or pants on since. Your line is amazing, can't wait for someone to have a little bubby to buy it for.
