Saturday, August 20, 2011

Summer Update

We're still waiting for Long Island to get waves.  Everyone keeps saying it's going to happen, but we've yet to see it.  Don't get me wrong.  I love shoulder-high waves.  There have been some fun days out at the cliff spots in Montauk.  Ian befriended a nice lady who has graciously allowed us to park at her house while we surf, as everywhere else you need a permit to park or you're subject to a $150 fine.  Some beaches let you pay $20 or more to park without a permit.  But most of those beaches don't allow dogs.  There is actually a full-blown movement out here called CFAR which stands for "Citizens For Access Rights."  Non-residents can get beach permits for a mere $400 if you get here in time.  They were sold out by May and you can only go to the beaches in the town where you live.  Forget it if your friends go to Sag Main and you only have an East Hampton pass.  We did find one mellow beach in Amagansett that we only have to pay $15 to go to and Puna is allowed.  Thank god it exists.

Ian is definitely itching for some hurricane swell.  They say September so, keep your fingers crossed for my babe.

We've made it to the city a couple of times - once for a sake tasting at the Japanese Cultural Center and once for a Yankees game.  We had great fun both times and both times made me realize that I would never be able to live in New York, New York.   So, so hectic.

Good ole' Sen - what a blessing.  Ian's friends from high-school that hooked us up with this gig are the greatest people on earth.  They own and operate this magical little sushi oasis in Sag Harbor that celebrities flock to like home-coming.  Colin Powell was in last night.  Off the top of my brain I can rattle off guest appearances by Julie Andrews, Billy Joel, Keith Hernandez, Gwenyth Paltrow, Kelly Ripa, Anderson Cooper, Jean Reno, Ashley Olson, Calvin Klein, Jason Kidd, Brendan Frasier, Kathy Griffin, and Andy Cohen.   And that's just the tip of the iceberg.  We've been super lucky and have saved a good amount of money.  We will be leaving with what we hoped for.  And that is truly something to celebrate.  It was the right move for the summer and fortunately, we can return next season, if need be.  

The business has been righteous.  I get out of it, what I put in and if that's not a life lesson than I don't know what is.  We've done very, very well and I'm in the process of blowing out my inventory in preparation for leaving the country.  Feathers.  I'm officially over that word.  Cheers to Etsy.  What a great venue for business.  I highly recommend exploring it, if you haven't already. 

Our last day at Sen is labor day.  Ian's parents arrive in the Hamptons that Thursday.  We're so excited for them to come.  We're even more excited to relax and enjoy ourselves.  It's been a busy, busy summer.  Ian is still at the club on Saturdays.  He honestly has the two best industry jobs in the Hamptons.  My man.  Check out SL East's write up in the Times this week.  The link is at the end of this post.  

As for our plan?  

Long Island to Vermont mid September
Vermont to Duluth via Canada end of September
Duluth to Hawaii early October
Hawaii to Nicaragua mid November

I think we need tracking devices.

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