Saturday, October 22, 2011

Big News!

I know.  I am the world's worst blogger.  How can I expect anyone to read this if I'm such a slacker about updating it?  Good news though!  We're headed back to Nicaragua in less than three weeks and there is plenty to talk about including our biggest announcement - I'm pregnant!  Yes, lots has happened since I've been away from cyber-world!  We're expecting a baby girl mid-March.  Ian and I may be the two luckiest people on the planet and I feel more in love than I ever have.  Our departure date is November 11th and we're gearing up for the big move.  (again!)  

There are a few things we're bringing down with us that we deemed essential and cheaper to buy in the US and transport abroad than, purchasing in Nicaragua.  First and foremost, a tankless propane water heater.  Yea!  Hot showers!  Second, a hand-crank blender for all our puree needs!  Third, organic cloth diapers for the baby's bum.  We're choosing cloth for a variety of reasons.  1) because it's green  2) because we have a hard time getting rid of trash anyways and 3) because we have time.  Now that I'm officially over scaring myself through internet research, I can spend my time daydreaming about rocking her to sleep and picturing her in a ruffled bathing suit on the beaches of Central America.  Here is a crude pictorial of how I spent the first month of my pregnancy, stuck in the loft of our NY house.  I did this secretly, as Ian played Call of Duty on the Xbox.  The internet is truly, the devil.

Me, freaking out on my computer.  I know, I don't have hair.

Ian, plugged into C.O.D.

I've just recently discovered the program Paintbrush and although my pictures look like a two-year-old could draw them, I find this new medium to be a nice touch to the blog.  There will be more bad drawings in the future.  

As far as life at present goes, we are in Hawaii gearing up for Sean and Kellin's wedding.  The big day is November 5th and we just picked up two cases of Prosecco for the reception.  Ahhhh, alone in a room with two cases of booze.  Good thing I'm knocked up.  Ian and his dad are busy painting the deck and the dogs are lazing around per usual.  The surf is supposed to come up on the North Shore tomorrow and Ian is getting in as many HI sessions as possible before we leave.  I'm still surfing although last week at Snipers was a little more challenging for me with this growing belly.  I either need a soft-top surfboard or a body board.  Or a blanket and umbrella for the beach.  Ho-hum.  So is life when you're growing one.     

1 comment:

  1. That was that happiest blog ever. And you are a paintbrush superstar. We just laughed so hard at those pics. More please! And thank you thank you thank you for postponing your trip until after our wedding. Oh..and the booze. ;)
    Sean + Kellin
