Monday, June 24, 2013

The Denture Dilemmas of a 35 year old Female - Installment 1 - Earthquakes

Life with a denture is indeed, a journey. This series sheds light on some of the unforeseen challenges that go along with it.

di·lem·ma n.

1. A situation that requires a choice between options that are or seem equally unfavorable or mutually exclusive.
2. A problem that seems to defy a satisfactory solution.
3. An argument that presents two alternatives, each of which has the same consequence.

Generally, when I'm nursing Liv, my teeth are out. I'm not sure why, it's just the case. Probably because we're both relaxing, and I'm most calm and comfortable when there isn't a giant plastic prosthesis taking up space in my mouth. So, I stash it under a pillow so Liv can't find it. Some of you may recall we had a 6.6 earthquake about a week ago. I happened to be nursing her at the time, upstairs in her bedroom, and as usual, my teeth were under the pillow.

It's interesting how humans react in an emergency situation. Upon realizing what was occurring, I jumped out of bed, scooped Liv up in my arms, and started to head out. As soon as we got to the door, I stopped in my tracks and realized I didn't have my teeth in. My natural reaction was to go back and grab them. And I did. If the townhouse were to collapse, could that extra four seconds it took me to grab my teeth have been the difference between life and death? Did I risk our lives because I'm too ashamed for people to see me without my teeth? Does this make me the worst mom on the planet, or what? Of course, nothing came of the earthquake and everything was fine but, seriously. It's like going back for your cat in a fire. You leave the cat. You leave the teeth. Lesson learned.

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